

GIEBEL FilTec Inc.
470 Commerce Drive,
Peachtree City, GA, 30269, USA

Phone: +1 (770) 884-1105
Email: info.us@gf-dry.com

Payment information

Our bank details:

Bank of America 
Account No. 334077857704
Zelle: info.us@gf-dry.com
Electronic Routing 061000052

Sparkasse Schwäbisch Hall – Crailsheim
IBAN: De 25 6226 0030 0001 8683 75

PayPal account: payment@giebel-adsorber.com

Company information

CEO: Heinrich Laas Tax ID / Employer Identification Number: 61-2180172

Terms of sale & delivery

Our detailed sales and delivery conditions can be found under this link. 


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Trademark information for GIEBEL-sites

GIEBEL Adsorber® All rights reserved. Distribution and duplication of this publication or of parts thereof are not permitted for any purpose and in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of GIEBEL FilTec Inc.. GIEBEL and other GIEBEL products and services mentioned in this document as well as the associated logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIEBEL FilTec Inc. (USA) or GIEBEL FilTec GmbH (Germany). All other product and service names are trademarks of their respective companies.

The web pages of GIEBEL FilTec Inc. contain links to third-party websites. GIEBEL FilTec Inc. does not acquire ownership of the third-party sites accessed via links and is not responsible for their contents.